Ian Weir Architect collaborates with a diverse mix individuals and organisations. The key collaborators include:
Kylie Feher Architect
Kylie is the co-designer of the Gaze House, the Nornalup House and the BAL-40 Karri Fire House. She is a registered architect in Western Australia and Queensland.
Nathan McQuoid Landscape Ecologist
Nathan is based at Point Henry Western Australia and conducts landscape assessments and botanical surveys, consulting for landowners, local government and NGO’s. His recent book ‘Lifting the Bonnet on Western Australia’s Ancient Woodlands’ was commissioned by the World Wildlife Fund.
Eldon Bottcher Bushfire Risk Consultant
Eldon is a Level 3 BPAD (Bushfire Planning and Design) consultant. He is the only fully accredited BPAD assessor in Australia who is also a registered architect.