This project (unbuilt) presents an exemplar for building in bushfire prone landscapes which have high to extreme levels of bushfire exposure. At 120m2 the space planning of the house is highly efficient, with the north facing, wind-protected veranda facilitating the primary circulation and linking a reconfigurable sleeping pavilion to the communal and private areas of the home.
Sited in a remarkable setting, adjacent the Blackwood River, the vegetation conservation provisions of the river setback necessitated designing to BAL-40 – the second highest level of bushfire protection in the Australian Bushfire Standard AS3959:2009. Bushfire design responses include precast concrete verandah decking; elimination of conventional bargeboards, fascias and exposed timber; and the dual-purposing of stainless steel insect screens which double as ember and radiant heat shields as well as security screens when the house in unoccupied.